At a Meeting of the Guardians in [..]
the 21st. day of April 1784
Present Mr. John Taylor< no role >
Mr. William Baker< no role >
} Churchwarden
Edward Gibbs< no role >
John Watts< no role >
William Coles< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse Reported the [..]
the following Children mentioned in the
Minutes of the last Meeting still remain in
Mr Workhouse (vizt.) Sophia Rutter< no role >
, Isaac
Rutter< no role >
, John Thomas, Joseph William Rob [..]
Elizabeth Piplar< no role >
, Pheebe Bishop< no role >
, Ann Hooper< no role >
Henry Smith< no role >
, John Drew< no role >
, James Brutcher< no role >
Ann Brutcher< no role >
& William Brutcher< no role >
And That William Hurry< no role >
was dischar [..]
with his Mother on the 25th. day of March last [..]
As als with their respective Mothers on the same [..]
day, Hannah Smith< no role >
, Henry Smith< no role >
was born in the Workhouse
on the Thirteenth day
of February last but omitted to be reported at [..]
last Meeting) and John Marchant< no role >
That Martha Trippels< no role >
mentioned in
the Minutes of the last Meeting died in the
on the Twellthday of March last