At a Meeting of the Guardians of the Parish
Infant Poor at the Workhouse
on Wednesday
the 16th. day of September 1778
Mr John Hough< no role >
- Guardian
Mr Francis Pearse< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse Report & that pursuant
to the Order of the Guardians pursuant at the last Meeting
Parmenas Adcock< no role > This name instance is in set 14291429.
and Elizabeth Yates< no role >
were on the
17th. Day of August last Sent to Nurse Varwell &
that Sarah Pachall< no role >
was delivered to her Mother on
the 2d. Instant, and Charlotte Walker< no role > This name instance is in set 1436.
was on the 7th.
day of August last passed to the Parish of Saint Giles
in the Fields being her Settlement
The Master also Reported that Robert Hogg< no role >
in the Minutes of the last Meeting was on the 12th. day
of August last by Order of the Workhouse Commee delivered
to his Father & Mother at their particular desire
And that the following Children have been admitted
into the Workhouse since the last Meeting (vizt)
NamesAgeswhen admitted
William Baker< no role >
(B)1y.1m.0d22d. August
Anne Chard< no role >
Anne Godfrey< no role >
4.8.02d. September
And the said three Children together with Sarah Culling< no role >
who at the last Meeting was ordered to remain in the