The Particular Account of the Receipts and Disbursements
of Mr. Edward Gibbs< no role >
& Mr. Robert Dison< no role >
Renter Churchwardens
of the Parish of Saint Botolph without Aldgate
for the Year
Receipts on the Rent Robb
Received of the Executors of Mr.
Robert Phipps< no role >
one Year and
Quarter's Rent for Ground in Cock & Hoop Yard
due Ladyday 1775
5..0: [..]
of Mr. Gunton one Year's Rent due Midsummer 17756:0: [..]
of Mr.
John Hough< no role >
Upper Churchwardan
of Aldgate
London one Year's Rent for the Work House due do
10:0: [..]
of Mr.
Thomas Sabe< no role >
/ late Lowfield / Year's Rent for
House in Butcher Row due Ladyday
20:0: [..]
of Mr. Barrington Year's Rent for Nagg's Head Ale
House Etc a due do
18:0: [..]
of Mr.
Thomas Brookes< no role >
one Year's Rent for a House
in High Street
let to the late Mr.
Thomas Smith< no role >
due do.
10:0 [..]
of Do. one Year's Rent for a House in Butcher Row / late
Ward / due Midsr. 1775
10:0: [..]
of Mr.
Richard Cotton< no role >
one Year's Rent for Tenementt
in Cock & Hoop Yard
& two Houses in Hounsditch
Ladyday 1775
45:10: [..]
of the Executors of Mr.
Joseph Dizzington< no role >
one Year's
Rent for Ground in Cock & Hoop Yard
due do
6:0: [..]
of Mr.
Thomas Sabe< no role >
/ late Rayson a Year's Rent
for two Houses in Woolpack Alley
due do.
8:0: [..]
of Ditto one Year's Rent for A House late the
Essex Coffee House
due do.
4:0: [..]
of the Executors of Mr. Hick by the Hands of Mr.
Grace one Year's Rent for Ground on the East side of
Hounsditch due do
4:4: [..]
£146:14 [..]