Per Sundrys Continued
A Woman in Fitts in the Church Porch-..1.. [..]
Katherine Howard< no role >
a Soldiers Widow going to Harwich-..1.. [..]
James Row< no role >
and William Smith< no role >
Shipwreck'd-..2.. [..]
To a Man and his Wife and Mother from Dachett-..5.. [..]
Nicholas Scower< no role >
his Wife
and Three Children-..2.. [..]
Margaret Williams< no role >
and two Children travelling-..1.. [..]
Katherine Bedford< no role >
going to Ipswich
-..1.. [..]
A Stranger being Ill-..-.. [..]
Bridgett Davis< no role >
and her Son going to Suffolck-..2.. [..]
Mary Fowkes< no role >
going to Windsor-..-.. [..]
Mary Lascallett< no role >
her Husband being dead-..2.. [..]
John Mcguire< no role >
his Wife
and four Children-..1.. [..]
Ann Ward< no role >
a Soldiers Widow going to Harwich-..-.. [..]
A Stranger to prevent a Pass-..-.. [..]
Charles Hollyday< no role >
lost by a Flood-..2.. [..]
Paid A Months Nursing of a Woman lying inn of a Bastard Child Sworn upon
Ralph Schomberg< no role >
who absconded
1..10.. [..]
Paid Charges and Expences to St. Katherine Coleman
and Allhallowes Stayning
to prevent an Indictment
2..16.. [..]
Paid for a Certificate and Charges to Fareham
-..15.. [..]
Paid Postage of a Letter from Fareham
-..-.. [..]
Paid Mr. Nicholls for Bread2..- [..]
Paid Mr. Turner
for Ditto2..- [..]
Paid Mr. Cook for Ditto1..- [..]
Paid Mr. Haines for Ditto9..16 [..]
Paid Mr. Webster's Gift being Sixteen Nobles5..6 [..]
Paid Mr. Garford's Gift being Twenty Nobles6..1 [..]
Paid Mrs. Prime for Sr. John Fenners Bibles2..1 [..]
Paid the Ballance due on Mr. Fancotts Upper Wardens Account3..1 [..]
39..6 [..]