Mr. John Price< no role >
Upper Church-Warden
Anno Domini 1737
To Cash received by Wards RentsFol1215..16.. [..]
To Do. by DonationsDo.42..19.. [..]
To Do. upon Auditing2149..13.. [..]
To Ditto by FinesDo.44..- [..]
To Do. by Sacrament MoneyDo.2 14.. [..]
455..3.. [..]
25..4.. [..]
£480..7.. [..]
This Account was Audited and Approved of this Twenty Second Day of November
by us whose Names are hereunder written and there appears to have been received by
said Mr. John Price< no role >
the Sum of £455..3s..5d¾q and to have been Disbursed by him the [..]
of £480..7s..7d So that there remains due to him from the Parish On the Ballance of [..]
said Account the Sum of £25..4s..1d½q as Witness our Hands
Henry Wright< no role >
Danll. Collcutt< no role >
Richd. Bridgman< no role >
Jno. Williams< no role >
Danll. Rosbotham< no role >
Tho: Price< no role >
Joseph Walker< no role >
Sam: Welburne< no role >
Wm. Rose< no role >
Jno [..] Abbott< no role >
Richard Neave< no role >