St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1732 - 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAAC100040054

Image 54 of 331 1735

Disbursements Continued

£ S

Paid for two Lumons before the Lord Mayor- 2 [..]
paid the pasions for altering the Fyer plugg- 2 [..]
Paid Mr. Prescott for in mending the Beadles Staff- 2 [..]

paid Robert Carpenter< no role > and other Bearers for Carrying Severall of the Pentioners to the
Bargal Ground}- 12 [..]

paid Mr. Hunt Sexton of the Lower part of the parish his dues for the Bargal of pentioners
for the whole year
1 10 [..]

paid Severall Disbursements on Account of the Coles to the poor4 [..]
paid Mr. Seely for a Fire plugg and Box in Houndsditch- 7 [..]
paid George Darby< no role > the Beadle- 5 [..]
paid Mr. Carey for a gold Laced Hatt for the Beadle1 4 [..]
paid Mr. Blake for the Beadles Coat3 10 [..]

paid Mr. Salt Mr. Tanners Clerk his Bill of Charges Concerning the Discharge of Thomas
Williams Apprentice to Luke Prior< no role >
3 11 [..]

paid Do. on a Settlement Aldgate against Cripplegate of pettys and Wife4 14 [..]


paid Mr. Wallis for Stockings for the poor pentioners1 9 [..]
paid Ann Smith< no role > for two Shirts one Shift and an Apron for the poor- 10 [..]
paid one years Scarament to me to Mr. Broughton3 13 [..]
paid Mr. Groves for Sundrys as by Bill for the whole year4 - [..]
paid Mr. Smith Stationer for Fifteen Bibles3 5 [..]
Paid Do. for Sundrys the whole year for the use of the Parish- 18 [..]
paid Mr. Laverton for one years Coffins for the petioners15 12 [..]
paid Mr. Barwell for one years Commemoracon- 12 [..]
paid Mr. King Baker for Bread for the poor10 18 [..]
paid Do. for Do1 5 [..]
paid Mr. Cooke for Do.1 10 [..]
paid Mr. Weedon for Do.1 10 [..]
paid Do.- 18 [..]

paid Mr. Heckford one years Rent due for the Shops Under the Charity School at Lady
Day 1736
50 - [..]

paid Mr. Till one years Interest on a Mortgage of £600 from the parish due of the 19th
Decr. 1735
30 - [..]

paid Mr. Goater the Ballance due to him from the Parish on his Overseers Account1 9 [..]

paid for Mr. Fey Church-Warden at the Workhouse by the Order of Mr. Rochester when
I was Overseer of the Poor
2 18 [..]

paid Mr. Rochester in part of Money due to him from the Workhouse 21 - [..]

15 June 1736

paid Mr. Long in part of a Debt due to him from the Parish100 - [..]
paid the Wardens one years Sallary5 - [..]
paid Mr. Bourne the Beadle one years Sallary due Lady day 173626 - [..]

paid Mr. Bentham Clerk of the Vestry his Sallary and for one whole years Business
for the Freedom Pt of the Parish as P Bill
13 5 [..]

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