St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1732 - 1759

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAAC100040027

Image 27 of 331 1733

Disbursements P Sundry's continued

£ S D

To Expences Inquiring after Dormer a Boy in the Workhouse who is supposed
to be born in Holbourn } - -..6

To Jane Dalley< no role > for laying out Mary Branley< no role > - - 6
To Mr Church-Warden Blake for receiving two passes-..1..-
To the five Warders for their Quarters Sallary1..5..-
To Expences of a Warrant by Marry Ears-..1..-
To Expences of a Warrant taken againstfor a Bastard Child-..1..-
To the Women for laying out a Dead Man in the Glass house-..1..-
To the Bearers of the said Man-..2..-
To Expences in receiving half a Years Rent of Mr. Crowder £15-..2 -
To a travelling pass-..1..-
To Expences at receiving Mr Stuarts Rent-1..-
To Do. of Mr Reynolds-..2..-
To Do. of Mr. Worster- -..3

To Mr. King Coroner upon the Account of Ann Anron who had the Misfortune to
fall down Stairs which fall proved her Death
1..1 -

To Expences on the Vestry at the Bell Tavern 1..1 -

To Do. for the Constable and Beadle for taking up a Man and a Woman who dropt a
Child Attending at Buenes Ayres Coffee house } -..1..6

To Do. in passing said Woman and Child to Brandford - 3..6
To Do. on Waiting for Lord Mayor Constable and two Beadles for the Man's Discharge - 2..9
T Mr. Hunts Bill-..5..6

To the Beadle for Mrs. Tylor who has taken Ann Lee< no role > upon liking for an Apprentice
who was taken very ill} -..3..-

To the Officers for a Sumons by Jane Revett< no role > -..1..-
To the Messenger for bringing the Order for the Kings Bounty Money-..2..6
To Mr Hunts Bill for burying Eleven poor persons-..5..6
To Do. for Ten persons-..5..-
To Expences at the Auditing of the poors Books1..13..-
To pervew for carrying a poor Woman into Spittlefields - - 6
To Mr. Bourn for a poor Man in miserable Condition-..1..-
To Expences in receiving Mr. Pepyats Rent- 2..-
To the Old Clothwoman and two Children-..1..-

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