Thursday 13 Decr. 1733
Pun & dd
FoxMartha< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charg'd by the Oath
Jacob Hammam< no role >
for Pillferring from out of his Shop
a Copper Funnell
and a quartern Pewter Pott of Small Value and being a disorderly person.
Cont to labor
StarkeyAnn< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Chargd by the Oath
Joseph Blew< no role >
of a Pillferring from off the keys
Some Sugar of small value
the Property of Persons unknown and being a disorderly Person.
WrightMargaret< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
Henry Harris< no role >
for Pilferring from him some money of small value
and being a loose Idle disorderly Person.
Cont to labor
MindwinterGrace< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
Thomas Hardin< no role >
for Imbezelling from him some money of small
value and being a disorderly Idle Woman.
DerrySamuel< no role >
Petn for Locks gift}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Samuel Derry< no role >
That he service his Apprenticeship
in this Hospital part to Mr.
Daniel Nipp< no role >
late one of your Worships Artsmasters
by Indenture dated 31 March 1726 and the
to Mr.
John Ittery< no role >
one of your Worships Artsmasters
and by an Order of Court of the 18th
of October last he was on the 20 of Novr. following made free of this City and is setup
for himself in his said Tradeat Mr.
Robert Whites< no role >
in Stocking frame any
next door to the Rose and Seven Starrs
in Shoreditch
And the Court being
acquainted that the Comittee of this House on the 26th. of November inspected the Book kept
of Apprentices behaviour and found no Complaint against him it is Order'd that
Mr. Deputy
Thomas Davis< no role >
Thomas Cox< no role >
and Mr.
James Bartlett< no role >
three of the
Governors of these Hospitals or any two of them be desired to enquire whether the said
Samuel Derry< no role >
be set up in his said Trade and of his hopefullness therein and
to make their Report to the next Court.
At this Court the following poor Boys were Ordered to be out Apprentices
at the
nomination of the several Governours
hereafter named to wit
Nominated by
Indre dated 13th. March 1733/4
GatliffeCharles< no role >
John Ittery< no role >
Richard Bridgman< no role >
Indre dated 9th. Feby 1733/4
RugmorWilliam< no role >
George Male< no role >
Mark Holman< no role >
Indre dated 5th. Febry. 1733/4
PigotThomas< no role >
William Wenden< no role >
Mr. President
ParkerBenjamin< no role >
John Ward< no role >
Robt. Westley< no role >
RecdFra: [..] dischargd
[..] }
The Right Worshipfull
Humphry Parsons< no role >
. Alderman
& President
of these
Hospitals acquainting this Court that he had directed
Francis Reed< no role >
one of the
of this Hospital to take the abovenamed
Thomas Pigot< no role >
and that the
said Reed had ref
[..] d to be so and several of the Governors who are or have been of the
Comittee of this House acquainting this Court that the said Reed had heretofore refusd to take
such apprentices as the Comittee of this House thought fit to recomend to him& the
Francis Reed< no role >
was calld in & askd his reasons for refusing to take the said
Pigot Apprentice and he not giving any satisfactory Answer to the Court It is Orderd
that the said
Francis Read< no role >
be dischargd from this Hospital and that he do quit his
Apartment by Lady day next.