Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030417

Image 417 of 74824th October 1707

Fees in the List to be
allowed ye Clerke besides

Also the Clerke acquainting this Court That in the List of
the fees of the Clerk of these Hospitals Setled & confirmed
by Order of this Court the Sume of Two Shillings & Six pence
is mentioned to be paid for the Indenture of an Apprtice &
Severall Sumes for the respective Leases but no mention
is therein made of the Stamps or the Hospital Seal to be
affixed to Such Leases and praying the direccon of the
Court therein and Severall of the Governor present who
were of the Comittee for Settling those fees acqainting
the Court that it was the intention of that Comittee that
the Severall fees in the List menconed to be paid for the
respective matters therein contained Should be paid to the
Clerk besides what he is out of Pockett for Stamps
the Hospital Seal It is Order'd That it be so exprist
in the List of the fees to be made and Sett up in this Court
room and the Publik Office of this Hospital

Clerkes Complt of ye Stewards
putting a bolt within side
of ye great Kitchin door
refrred to Comee

Also the Clerk acquainting this Court that the Steward
of this house had putt a bolt upon the inside of the door
of the great Kitchin towards the Clerks house so that he
could not have the use of the sd Kitchin for his occasions
as had been usual It is Order'd That it be referr'd
to the Comittee of this house to examine the sd matter &
report their opinion therein to this Court

peruseal of ye Charge
to Govrs on Admission
Referred to Comee &

Also att this Court it is Ordered That it be referr'd to
the Comittee of this house to peruse the charge which
is read to the Governors of these Hospitals upon their
respective admisssions and to make Such alterations
and amendments therein as they Shall See fitt and to
report the same to this Court.

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