Abraham Harris< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Major charged
for comitting Sewall Robberies but he making
a fair Confession of Sewall of his Confederates
you etc
To be sent to Bow Parish
Sarah Marshall Littleton< no role >
But to his Father
James Grover< no role >
P warrt. of Sr
Tho: Stamp< no role >
being Lewd & disorderly P sons the said Marshall
keeping Company and having had a Child by
John Rogers< no role >
as she confest and the said
Grover keeping Company with Pick pocketts
John Murry< no role >
Eliz. Hendley< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
Thos. Stamp< no role >
being taken
together late last night in a disorderly
house she being brown to be a Comon night Walker
Jno. Murry< no role >
to be dd to his Officer & in the mean
time to Labr. & not dd without ye Presidt.
Nath. Parker< no role >
. of Jno. Biddle< no role >
P Warrt. of the Chamberlaine being a
very Rebellions Appr and of an ill
behaviour towards his said Mars. and having
often absented himselfe from his Mars. Service
To Labr. at his Mars. charge
Tho: Elemy< no role >
p Warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Geffery< no role >
charged by
Mathew Britekidge< no role >
for Stealing a Bible from him
Value 5s.
John Hargrave< no role >
P Warrt of Sr
. Robt. Geffery< no role >
on Oath by Joseph Broad< no role >
& Mathew Somes< no role >
for feloniously Stealing a parcell of Brazalether
from of Butt. St. Wharfe Val 15s and tooke
upon him
Johanna Herring< no role >
P Warrt. of Mr. Recorder charged
by John Carter< no role >
of Fetter Lane
Suspicon of Felony Stolen goods being found
in her Custody
To Labr.