To them shall seeme necessary and to treat wth: tennantsfor
for the takeing the prmises or any parts thereof or any other
matter concerning the same Estate and to reporte their opinion
therein from time to time to this Court
Alsoe the Clerke of these Hosplls: acquainting this Cort:
that itt is proposed by the Psons concerned in the prosecucon
of severall Indictments in the Court of Kings Bench against
one Bell & others for makeing or contributing a Leystall in
the precinct of Bridewell (the defence whereof this Court hath
undertaken as a right belonging to the Hospll of Bridewell
and the Prcinct thereto belonging) to referre the matter of
the said Indictmts: and the right of the said Leystall and all
matters and things thereunto appteyneing in difference
betweene the said Hospll and the Lessee or Lessees of the
publick Leystalls of this Citty of Sr. Bartholomew Sr Hower Knt.
and that the Recognizances for Tryall of the right in the
Prmises are for that purpose respited till next terme This
Court doth agree to such reference on the P to of the said Hospll
and that the Arbitrament and determinacon of the said
Sr Bartholomew Sr Hower in the Prmises be finall and
binding to the same Hospll
boyes to be made Free
Alsoe itt is ordered that
Lawrence Lord< no role >
WmJerman< no role >
Edward Lewis< no role >
who have served their Apprenticeshipps
in Bridewell
Hospll be made Freeman of this Citty by the
approbacon of this Court