Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010424

Image 424 of 50012th October 1694

London }

At a Court holden at the Hospll.
of Bridewell on Fryday the 26th. of October 1694

Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > Knt . & Alderman President

Mr. Trear
Sr . Robt. Adams< no role >
Mr. Williams
Capt. Phillipps
Mr. Atwood
Mr. Saml. Baker< no role >
Mr. Butterfield
Mr. Hallett
Mr. Fense
Mr. Smith
Mr. Lugg
Mr. Merydale

Capt. Blackman
Mr. Slaugter
Mr. Rons
Mr. Harle
Mr. Wareing
Mr. Crisp
Mr. White

Geo: Bowman< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Edwd. Clarke< no role > attnsed
for being a Comon Pick pockett and a person
of very Lewd life and Comersation taken opp
last night by the Const. of St. Brides and for
want of good Sureties

To Serve the King, till then
to remaine

Thomas Green< no role > Appr
of Andrew Davis< no role > }
P Warrt. of Mr. Chamberlain he
being a very Rebellions Appr and
of an ill behaviour towards his said Mar. and
having often absented himselfe from his Mars.
Service unlawfully.

Sent to his Master

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