The Manner of
Seting up the
Benefactors Names
refferred to Comittee}
Also It is Ordered That the Order and Manner
of Setting up the Benefactors names in the Hospll.
of Bethlem be referred to the same Comittee to
whom the Painting and Gilding the Tables
for the Same was Comitted and that Sr
Roberts< no role >
and Mr.
John Johnson< no role >
be added to the Said
New Governors
Major Woodrofte Brewer at Queenhith
Capt Smith Potter in New fish Street
Indre dat 5th Mar: 1694
Boys putt Appre.
Indre dat 6 Novr 1694{
Wm Hamersly< no role >
Frances Brown< no role >
at Mr. Mundyes Nominacon
Edwd. Grainger< no role >
at Dr. Lawsons Nominacon