Eliz: Wilson< no role >
Dorothy Corum< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged by
the Constable being known to be Lewd
Psons and Comon night walkers being
taken walking the Streetes late last night giving
noe good Account of their lives and Conversations
and for want of baile for their good behaviour
To Labr
. & to have noe
more them she Earnes
John Warren< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged by Sr
Thomas Lane< no role >
. for furiously and Wilfully
runing his Cart agst. his Coach and breaking his
Coach windowes and for want of Sureties for
his good behaviour
To Labr. & to have noe more
then he earnes
Edward Mittin< no role >
Mary Batters< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Geffery< no role >
by Robt. Andrews< no role >
for [..]
being taken up late at night in St. Sepulchres
Church Yard
in a very disorderly manner
Dorothy Hatton< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged
by John Mills< no role >
in Harrow Alley
in White Chappell
to be a Lewd and Disorderly woman and a Comon
night walker
Margtt. Pennington< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged
by Margtt< no role >
. the wife
of Robt. Lane< no role >
for pilfering
from her a Linnen Shift.
To Labr
Mary Wheeler< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr. Patiene Ward charged for
a Lewd idle and disorderly Pson known to be a
Comon night walker and suspected Pickpockett being
taken wandering in the Streetes Sewall nights
Mary Turner< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. John Houblon< no role >
being accused
to be a Pson of a vitious Conversation
Eliz: Evans< no role >
P Warrt of Sr. Patience Ward charged by
Mr. John Gibbins< no role >
her Master
for an idle and
disorderly Servant for endeavouring Sewall times
to take up money in his name and actually taking
up a Shilling