Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000084

Image 84 of 6969th December 1725

any three of them shall by Writing under their Hands
Certify in their opinion to be necessary for the Purchaseing
of Ten pair of Fetters and Bassells for the Use of New Prison
aforesaid, And that the Receipt of the Person receiving
such Sume for the said Fetters and Bassells shall be
a sufficient Discharge to the said St. Henry Penrice< no role >
for such payment, And this Court doth further Order
that the severall Sumes of Money Soe to be advanced
and paid by the said Sir Henry Penrice< no role > in pursuance
of this Order shall be refunded and paid to the said Sir
Henry Penrice< no role > or the Succeeding Treasurer or Treasurers
for Relief of maimed Soldiers and Mariners out of
the Yearly Sume of Twenty pounds payable by the
Keeper of New Prison (for the Time being) on
Account of repairing the same Prison

P Adjorn Jovis 9 o. die Decembris 1725

Order made upon the
peticons of Henry
< no role > and John
< no role > relating to the
passing of Vagrants }

Whereas Henry Mackeris< no role > Gent one of the Constables of
Endfield in this County exhibited his humble peticon
unto the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace
holden for this County in the Month of October last praying
that he might be paid the sume of ninety pounds due and
oweing to him for one year and a halfes Salary at Michas
one thousand seven hundred and twenty four for his
loss of time and expences in passing and cenveying of
Vagrants through this County, and also the further Sume
of thirty pounds due to him for half a years Salary for the
life Service at Michas one thousand seven hundred and
twenty five, and whereas John Sparkes< no role > one of the Constables
of the parish of Endfield aforesaid exhibited his humble
peticon unto the Court of the same General Quarter Sessions
settingforth that about three years and a half since John
< no role > one of the Constables of Endfield aforesaid the person
appointed by the Court to convey the Vagrants by passes to
the next adjoyning County dyeing the peticoner Sparkes
did apply to succeed him, and by the perssuasions of the said
Henry Mackeris< no role > and on his faithful promises to serve the
peticoner Sparkes did intrust the said Mackeris to sollicit the

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