Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000095

Image 95 of 69614th January 1726

comon a practice among Chandlers and others, where
Servants are continually going on one occasion or others, to
tempt and press them to drink and even to give them Drams
of this Liquor, which we may reasonably suppose, must be
paid for by the masters, either in price, weight or measure
of the Goods they are sent for, and which besides the imediate
damage, incourages them to wrong their masters in
greater matters, and as we conceive, may be one Cause of
the great Complaints that are made against Servants.

And if wee may judge, what will happen in other Workhouses
now erecting, by what has allready happen'd in that of St.
Giles's in the Fields , we have reason to fear, that the violent
fondness and desire of this Liquor, which unaccountably
posess all our poor, may prevent in great measure the
good, effects propos'd by them, and which in all other respect
seem very hopefull and promising, It appearing by the
returns from Holborn Division, wherein that Workhouse
is situate, that notwithstanding all the Care that has
been taken, Geneva is Clandestinely brought in among
the poor there, and that they will suffer any punishment
or inconvenience rather than live without it, tho' they
cann't avoid seeing its' fatal effects, by the Death of those
among them, who had drunk most freely of it, and tis
found by experience there, that those who use this Liquor,
are not only the most lazy and unfitt for work, but also
the most turbulent and ungovernable, and on that
account several of them have been turn'd out, and left
to struggle with the greatest wants abroad, which they
submitt to, rather than they will discover who brought
in the Geneva to them, tho' they have been offer'd to be
forgiven on that Condition.

Your Comittee having thus laid before you the numbers of the
houses and places wherein Geneva and other Strong
Waters are sold, as also some of the many mischevious
effects derived from them, Submitt to the Consideration
and judgment of the Serious, how farr it is in their
power, and by what means, to suppress this great
nusance, or whether any and what application to

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