Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450340414

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Middlesex : ss:

December Session 1788.

The King on the prosecution of
Simon Byrne< no role >
William Clare< no role >

Simon Byrne< no role > the Prosecutor above named Maketh
Oath and Saith that he this deponent is Bailiff and Servant
of Andrew Dennis< no role > O Kelly of Cannons in the County of Middx
Esquire that on Thursday the Twentieth day of November
now last past at about Seven or Eight o Clock in the forenoon
he this deponent observed that part of the Lead Work which
belonged to an erection which is built in parcel of the Estate
of his said Master Andrew Dennis< no role > O Kelly called Stanmore
Avenue for the purpose of Covering and preserving the
Works of a Well had been stript off and stolen away in the
Course of the Preceeding Night That he this Deponent did
thereupon make such inquiries as he could to discover the
Thief or Thieves that had stolen the same but with no effect
until Sunday the Twenty Third of the said Month of Novr.
last when this deponents said Master Andrew Dennis< no role > O Kelly
having received a Letter intimating that a Person had been apprehended
and some lead supposed to be stolen found upon him the said
Andrew Dennis< no role > O Kelly came to London thereupon and on
Monday the Twenty Fourth this Deponent received orders
from his said Master to come to Town on Tuesday the then
Morrow to attend the Examination of the Person so apprehended
which was to be at Bow the said then Morrow that thereupon he
this deponent came to London on the there Tuesday the
Twenty fifth day of November last an attended [..] with
his said Master at Bow Street when this deponent having
brought the Pieces of Wood to which the Lead had been ordered
with him and the same upon comparing them proving
to fit exactly with the Lead which had been taken upon and
in the possession of the said Defendant the Prisoner, this
Deponent was Sworn and upon the Evidence given the said
Prisoner was fully committed for Trial And this deponents

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