St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

14th April 1766 - 17th February 1804

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMV114020299

Image 299 of 65231st December 1782

Lord Chief Justice Holt was not intitled to Relief by the
Laws of this Kingdom, And further that he had made or
appear to his Lordship That the said Menahim Atias
was not an Object worthy of Relief, for that he had at said
support to a very considerable amount, from the Rulers of the
Portugueze Jews Synagoghes, besides which he had at
lately received from the said Rulers a Sum of servant
Guineas which he had prevailed on them to give him to
Enable him to Go With his said Family by some sh [..]
his Native place, but that instead of applying then
money to the purpose for which it was so given to him
had spent same, and then applied to the said be
for further relief, which they had absolutely refused, and
that therefore he had applied to the said Mr Tucker as [..]
Warden for relief which he had refused for the reasons afore [..]

Mr. Tucker also informed the Vestry that on the [..]
Instant the said Menahim Atias had caused Mr. [..]
Mr Cundell two of the Overseers of the Poor to be Summ [..]
before his Lordship, and that the said Mr. Tucker [..]
Mr Cundell thereupon attended and informed his Lord
that they should not for the before mentioned reasons [..]
said Atias & Family, as in case they did do so, it might
of the most dangerous consequence to the Parish, be [..]
already over burthened with a very numerous Poor of
own which they were obliged to support and maintaint
occasioned very heavy & grievous Taxes on the [..]
and that therefore they were determined to contest that

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