St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

6th March 1766 - 23rd May 1769

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358210362

Image 362 of 38721st February 1769


Mary Whitely< no role > Aged about Thirty four
Years on her Oath Says She never was Married
nor ever Rented House paid Taxes was an Apprentice
or lived a hired Yearly Servant for one Year
Says her late father John Whitly< no role > who was
by Trade a Baker and who has been dead
about Seven Months has often Informed her
and which Information She verily believes to
be true that he Rented and lived in a House many
Years in Wych Street in the Parish of Saint
Clement Danes in the liberty of Westminster
of the Yearly Rent of Twenty pounds or thereabouts
and paid all Parish Taxes due for the same
hath quitted said House about Thirty Years and
never after Rented house paid Taxes to the
Knowledge or behalf of this Examinant

Sworn this 21st. Day of
Febry 1769 Before me} Tho Lane< no role >

Mary Whitely< no role >

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