Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

6th April 1785

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17850406-26

429. WILLIAM YOUNG proceedingsdefend was indicted for burglariously and feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling house of Elizabeth Twisden proceedingsvictim , about the hour of nine in the night, on the 11th of March last, and feloniously stealing therein five iron keys, value 5 s. and one lead canister, value 6 d. her property .

ELIZABETH TWISDEN < no role > sworn.

I live at No. 3, Great Titchfield-street, I am not in business, I have a house at No. 12, in Margaret-street , which was a corner house, was broke open, which adjoins this No. 3, that house did then belong to me.

Did you at that time live in Margaret-street? - I lived in Titchfield-street, but this house in Margaret-street was my house, and partly furnished, I had moved some of the furniture out.

How long had you left it? - I never had left it, I always had somebody to sleep in it; but I let it to Colonel Capper < no role > , as a furnished house; and afterwards my sister was in it, and always somebody slept in it, save two or three nights previous to the robbery; at the time this happened there was no one in the house; this robbery was committed early in the evening, on the 11th of March, I heard a noise, and then I heard another noise; I then said to a young man that was just come in, go and see; and he took the key of the street door and a light, his name is John Bengest < no role > ; I observed him take a knife out of his pocket, and he went into the house; in a moment I went into the passage of No. 3, and I heard a great noise in that garden; I was informed a thief was taken.

JOHN BENGEST < no role > sworn.

I was sent to see what was the matter by the prosecutrix; I was setting in the parlour with the prosecutrix, we heard a noise in the adjoining house; I asked for a light and the key of the street door, which she gave me, and I went into the other house, and opened the door with the key, which was double locked; going into the parlour I saw two or three men; as soon as I went in they jumped out of the window; one out of the parlour window, and one out of the closet window, which they had broke open: I left the parlour, and caught the prisoner coming over the garden wall into the street.

Should you have known he was one of the men that was in the house? - No, my Lord, I cannot swear that he was in the house: I know he is the man that was coming over the wall; I gave him a blow and I cut him in the arm with a knife, he made a great resistance, and we had a very hard struggle, and he tumbled down in the street, I secured him.

Had he taken away any thing? - No, Sir, I secured him till the watchman came to my assistance, he was sent to the watch-house, and then I went into the house, and found several people in the house; and in the passage I found a closet window broke open; the plate of the shutter had been taken down, a pane of glass had been broke, which lets the hand into the screw; the screw was taken out, and the sash was thrown up, and so they got in; the lock of the closet door was forced open, which communicates to the parlour; we found the lock of the parlour door open, it was opened with an iron crow, I saw the marks after; we examined all the gardens; I said there is a neighbouring garden; and the watchman found the keys in the street and in the garden, and brought them to us, and the canister was found under the window in the garden, where they jumped out.

Where did the canister stand before they came into the house? - In the closet.

Was it an empty closet? - Yes.

What part of the closet? - Close to the window, close to the frame, which I look upon, by jumping out of the window they dragged that with them.

The remainder of this Trial in the next Part, which will be published in a few Days.

THE WHOLE PROCEEDINGS ON THE KING's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery for the CITY of LONDON; AND ALSO The Gaol Delivery for the County of Middlesex; HELD AT JUSTICE HALL in the OLD BAILEY, On Wednesday the 6th of APRIL 1785, and the following Days;

Being the FOURTH SESSION in the Mayoralty of The Right Hon. RICHARD CLARK < no role > , LORD MAYOR < no role > OF THE CITY OF LONDON




Printed for E. HODGSON (the Proprietor) And Sold by J. WALMSLAY, No. 35, Chancery Lane, and S. BLADON, No. 13, Pater-noster Row.



KING's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery for the CITY of LONDON, &c.

Continuation of the Trial of William Young < no role > .

What were the keys? - The keys belong to the doors of that house, to several parts of the house, they hung in a closet.

Whereabouts did they hang? - The left hand side coming in.

Could the keys have been drawn out in the same manner as the cannister might? - No, it is impossible.

How long before this alarm had you been in the house? - Not that day, nor the day before.

Had any body that you know of been in the house? - I believe Mrs. Twisden was last in the house.

Court to Prosecutrix. When was you in the house before? - I believe it was two days.

HENRY COLLINS < no role > sworn.

I was going to the prosecutrix's with a pot of beer, and I saw the prisoner come over the wall, and the gentleman came out of the door, and told me to stand at the door, and he ran and caught the prisoner as he was coming over the door; he called to the watch, and he was taken to the watch-house.

SAMUEL BOVINDALE < no role > sworn.

I am a watchman of Mary-le-bon, about nine watch was called, it might be about fifty yards off; I made the best of my way, Mr. Bengest gave me a charge of the prisoner, I took him to the watch-house, we afterwards searched the house, and found the doors and the windows broke open, and the plate of the window shutters broke off; then another person, who is not here, found this crow, a knife, and a key; I saw the person pick them up; some time afterwards I found three keys in the street, and another person found two, I saw him find them.

How far from the garden wall was it that the keys were found? - I believe about seven yards, that is as much as it was.

(The keys produced.)

Prosecutrix. These are the keys of the closet on the ground floor of each side, this is the key of the drawing room; I know nothing of that key; this is the key of the garrets.

Mr. Bengest. I know all these five keys.


I and another had been drinking all that day, and happened to be in liquor, and going by that wall the other man was playing his fun as we went along, and he took my hat off and flung it over, and I went over for it, and getting back again this gentleman caught me.

What way of life have you been in? - I have been at sea eight years.

Have you any friends to speak for you? - I have two in the yard that have known me from my youth.

The prisoner called two witnesses who gave him a very good character.

GUILTY Of stealing, but not of the burglary .

Transported for seven Years to Africa .

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron EYRE < no role > .

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