Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

27th April 1715

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17150427-2

Mary Nash proceedingsdefend , of the Parish of St. Andrew Holbourn , was indicted for stealing 8 Guineas, the Money of John Cook proceedingsvictim , out of the Dwelling-house of Edward Powell < no role > , on the 30th of March last. It appear'd, That the Prisoner was a Servant to Cook , who lodg'd in Powell's House; and that he having put 23 Guineas into a Chest of Drawers, miss'd 8 of them; whereupon suspecting the Prisoner, and taxing her with it, she own'd she had a Key to the Drawer, and had at several times She said upon her Trial that her Master gave her them; but that not being believ'd, she was found guilty of the Indictment.

[Death. See summary.]

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