Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

5th December 1711

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17111205-2

Margaret Wilmote proceedingsdefend , of the Parish of Christ-Church , was indicted for privately stealing 51 Yards of printed Linnen, value 3 l. the Goods of William Procter proceedingsvictim , on the 19th of November last. The first Evidence was the Prosecutor's Man, who depos'd, that a Woman came into the Shop , and seeing of her go out again, he went to the Counter, and mist the Linnen, and following of her he took her; but not seeing of her Face while in the Shop, he could not be positive that it was the same Person. There was another Evidence depos'd, that after she was brought back he took the Goods out of her Apron; the Prisoner in her Defence said that she had the Goods of another Woman, and the first Evidence not being positive, she was acquitted .

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