Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

14th January 1702

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17020114-2

Thomas Man proceedingsdefend , and Benjamin Williams proceedingsdefend , of the Parish of St. Botolphs Billingsgate , were indicted for Felony, (the first as Principal, and the other as Accessary after the Fact) for Stealing 1000 l. weight of Sugar value 25 l. on the 6th of December last, the Goods of Benjamin Braines proceedingsvictim . The first Evidence deposed, That the Goods were in a Ware-house by Billingsgate , which was Padlockt up. Another Evidence deposed, That he and another went with Man, and broke open the Padlock, and then went to Williams, and told him what they had done; Williams lent them a Bag and some Matches, and at several times they brought away the Goods, and Williams gave them 28 s. a Hundred for it . Another Evidence said, That he saw Williams give them the Bag, but was not present when they took the Goods. Man said, He never saw any of the Witnesses in all his Life; but that did not avail him: The Jury found him guilty . Williams also denied the Fact, calling some Witnesses to prove his Reputation; but it being so plainly proved, he was also found guilty .

[Man: Branding. See summary.]

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