Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

28th August 1700

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17000828-2

Elizabeth Robinson proceedingsdefend , and Sarah Bellingham proceedingsdefend , of the Parish of St. Andrew Undershaft , were Indicted for feloniously stealing 20 China Cups, and 9 small China Dishes , the Goods of Thomas Houghton proceedingsvictim on the 13th of August last. The Prosecutor said that Robinson came to his Ware-House and cheapned some China Ware, but went her ways, and he went to the East-India House to a Sale that was there. He being gone, she me again with the other Woman, where after some time ey were taken, and the Goods found in a bag between Robinsons Legs; upon which the Jury found her Guilty to the value of 10 d. But the Evidence against Bellingham was not sufficient to convict her, she was Acquitted .

They were a second time Indicted for feloniously stealing from Peter Motteux proceedingsvictim 6 Yards of Muslin on the said 13th of August . The Evidence against them on this Indictment, not being sufficient to Convict them, they were both Acquitted .

[Whipping. See summary.]

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