By a Pass under the hand & seal of Fras. Bedwell< no role >
. one
of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx.
bearing date the 13th. day of February 1758 Sarah Bevan< no role >
of James Bevan< no role >
deceased was passed as a Vagrant
from the Parish of St. Clemt. Danes
in the County of
Middx. to the Parish of Pembridge
in the County of Hereford
Sarah Bevan< no role >
13th. Feby: 1758
By order under the hands & seals of Barth: Hammond< no role >
& Fras. Bedwell Esqrs. two of his Majesty's Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middx. (one of the Quorum)
bearing date the 15th. day of February 1758. Elizabeth
Weston< no role >
Wife of Wm. Weston< no role >
(at Sea) & their 2 Childn. John< no role >
aged abt. three Years & Elizth< no role >
: aged abt. fourteen Months
were removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the County of Middx. to the Parish of St. James
the Liberty of Westmr.
Eliz. Westmr
& 2 Childn.
15th. Feby. 1758
By a Pass under the hand & seal of Fras. Bedwell Esqr.
one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of
Middx. bearing date the 21st. day of February 1758.
Letitia Green< no role >
Wife of Wm. Green< no role >
was passed as a Vagrant
(with her 3 Childrn. (to wit) Wm.< no role >
aged upwards of 5 Yrs. Mary< no role >
aged upwards of 3 Yrs. & Frances< no role >
aged upwds. of one Year)
from the Parish of St. Clemt. Danes
in the County of
Middx. to the Parish of Watlington
in the County of
Lettitia Green< no role >
& 3 Childn. 21st.
Febry. 1758