Thos. Russell< no role >
22d. Sepr. 1757
appealed agt.
Octr. Sessions follg.
Appeal Allowed
By Order under the hands & seals of
Bartholomew Hammond< no role >
Theodore Sydenham< no role >
. two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx. (one of the Quorum) bearing date the 22d. day
of Sepr. 1757.
Thos. Russell< no role >
an Infant aged abt. Eight Years
was removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the County
of Middx
. to the Parish of the St. Giles without Cripplegate
the City of London
Ann Oaton< no role >
& 2 Children 22d.
Octr. 1757
By a Pass under the hand & seal of
Barthw. Hammond< no role >
. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Middx
. bearing date the 22d. day of Octr. 1757. Ann
Oaton Widow of
Wm. Oaton< no role >
& her two Children
Mary< no role >
abt. fourteen Years &
William< no role >
aged abt. three Years
[..] were passed as Vagrants from the Parish of St. Clemt.
Danes in the County of Middlesex
to the Parish of Hinkley
in the County of Leicester
Elliston 1st. Novr.
By Order under the hands & seals of Bartholomew
Hammond &
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
. two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx. (one
of the Quorum) bearing date the 1st. day of Novr. 1757.
Patience Elliston< no role >
Edwd. Elliston< no role >
was removed
from the Parish of St. Clemt. Danes
in the County
of Middx
. to the Parish of the St. Giles in the fields
in the same County