St. Clemt. Danes
April 7th. 1757
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry Room of the sd.
Barth: Hammond< no role >
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
The Following Persons were Summoned to shew Cause
why they refuse to pay their Poor Rate 1756
Mr. Joseph Remnant< no role >
Mr. John Clark< no role >
Madam Green
EdwardsMr. Thos. Warner< no role >
Mr. Hugh Scott< no role > This name instance is in set 1035.
Mr. Paul TownShend
did not appear to their Summons
The Revd. Mr. Moses Wight< no role >
John Power< no role >
Thos. Dyer< no role >
Aaron. Trumbell< no role >
John Gregory< no role >
Edmd. Bailey< no role >
Joseph Jackson< no role >
Eliz: Cobb< no role >
Chas. Garthwait< no role >
Joseph Champion< no role >
Henry Stockdale< no role >
John Hordel< no role >
Wm. Bizet< no role >
John Brignal< no role >
Timothy Craik< no role >
Fras. Weston< no role >
Edwd. Thomas< no role >
Chas. Deveal
Isaac Couse< no role >
Matthias Otto< no role >
Saml. Taylor< no role >
Edwd. Dickens< no role >
John Drakeford< no role >
Hugh Wishaw< no role >
Geo: Brown< no role >
John Anderson< no role >
Walter King< no role >
Peter Side bottomThos. Villeneus< no role >
Paid their respective Rates