At a Petit Session held in the Vestry Room of St. Mary
Le Strand the 21st. of March 1757
Barth: Hammond< no role >
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
John Fielding< no role >
Theodre. Sydenham< no role >
John Johnson< no role >
; was deliver'd to St. Martin's
Parishin& Order'd to be Committed till next Sessions
for being an incorrigible Rogue
Margt. Dry< no role >
wasbelonged to St. Mary Le Strand
& was Ordd. to be sent there without a Pass
Willm. Pitkin< no role >
Eliz: Weaver
Eliz: Horncastle
Were taken up as Vagabonds
Wandring & begging & were
Ordd. to be passed to their Settlemts.