St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

5th June 1749 - 11th October 1754

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362090284

Image 284 of 3678th November 1753

St Clemt. Danes Novr. 8th. 1753


At a Petit Session held in the Vestry room of the said


Fras. Bedwell< no role > Esqr
Barw. Hammond< no role > Esqr.

Jno. Cowse Clemts. Lane
Mr Hawkins Clemts. Lane
Mr Perry Stanhope Strt.
Rd Bye Claremarket
Wm Sampson< no role > Crown Ct.
Wm Wilson< no role > Clemts. Inn Gate
Mrs. Waterman Craven Buildings

Pd. their Scavengers rate1752

Feltham Stanhope Strt.
Mrs. Polman Vere Strt.
Jose Pearce< no role > Clemts. Lane
Sarah Smith< no role > Strand
Geo Twitty Strand
Mr. Whatley Stanhope Street

Were Excused the Scavrs.
Rates 1752

Ordered that Distress Warrts. for the Scavengers rate
1752 be Issued out agt. the following Persons viz.

Isaac Aston< no role >
Sarah Archer< no role > This name instance is in set 3289.
Jn Bamborough< no role >
Mr Bargrave

Peter Ealing< no role >
Mr Freame
Jas. Gretton< no role >
Mrs. Lovejoy
Mr Lambourn

Joseph Martin< no role >
Mr. Owen
Mrs. Presser
Mr Rayner
Hugh Scott< no role > This name instance is in set 1035.

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