St. Clemt. Danes
May 3d. 1753
Vestry present
Fras Coles< no role >
Jas. Wilshin< no role >
Ch. wds.
Thos. Wood< no role >
Mr Heny. Chetham
Rd Lambert< no role >
Isaac Kemp< no role >
Nics. Maskall< no role >
Wm. Brushfield< no role >
Jno. Thompson< no role >
late Ovrs.
Mr. Wm. Gibbs< no role >
Mr Henry Freame< no role >
Mr. Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr. Augn Webb< no role >
Mr. Peter Moy< no role >
Mr. Peter Ganderton< no role >
Mr. Mathw. Brown< no role >
Read & auditted the Church wards. Accot. of
Buryals for the Month of April last
Amounting to £}£6..14s..7d
At the Same time Read & Auditted the
Ovrs. of the Poors Accot. for the same
Month of April Amounting to}£370..0s..8d
The late Ovrs. pd. £100 to Messrs. Coles & Wilshin
Church wds. of this Parish & took up the Note of
hand which they gave for that Sum
And at the Same time Messrs. Coles & Wilshin
pd. the sd. £100 to Messrs. Wood Kemp Chetham &
Lambert & took their Note for the Same Payable
to them or their Successors when other Ovrs. shall
be Chosen in their Stead./.