for Contractors to deliver in at this time & place
Proposals for Cleansing the Streets and other Places
in this Parish for One Two or Three Years from
Michaelmas next at the Option of this Committee
and Thomas Coleman< no role >
of Grays Inn Land
haveing proposed to clean the same for One Year
for the Sum of £330: and to allow £20: for the
Dust Etc and to cleaned the same for Three Years
for £270: per Annum and to allow £20: for the
Dust which Proposal being Read and Considered
by this Committee It was Resolved that this
Committee do Contract for One Year only And the
said Thomas Coleman< no role >
by his Brother John being
heard on such Proposal particularly as to an
abatement or Reduction in point of Price
It was Resolved that this Committee Contract
with the said Thomas Coleman< no role >
to their
said Advertisement for One Year from
Michaelmas next for the Sum of Three Hundred
and Ten Pounds.
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >