Saint Clement Danes
to wit
Margarett Emans< no role >
aged about 37 years upon her
Oath saith that she never was married Rented any House
Tenement or Lodging of £10 a year that she lived as a
hired yearly Servant with one Mr. Innis a Cabinett Maker
in Hedge Lane
in the parish of Saint Martin in the fields
in the Liberty of Westminster
for 21 Months or thereabouts at
the yearly Wages of £5 hath quitted said Service about 9
years ago since which time she has not lived as a hired
yearly Servant for one year or done any Act to gain a
Subsequent Settlement And further this Ext. upon her Oath
saith that on the 1st day of Febry. 1762 she was delivered of
of a Male Bastard Child in the House of a Mr. Lott in
Great Shire Lane
in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes
in the County of Middx which hath since been baptized
by the name of
John< no role >
That one
Lewis Courttivars< no role >
who was a Valet
to Captain Tower,
and Itis the father thereof he having had
Carnal knowledge of this Exts. Body sometime in the
Month of April 1781 and at several times since at one of which
times he did beget the said Child of which she was so delivered
as aforesaid And that the said Lewis Courttwars is the only
real and true father thereof.
Sworn this 7th.
day of Decr. 1786
} Wm. Kitchiner< no role >
Margat Emans< no role >
The man not taken and she has the Child witht.
any Allowance