Saint Clement Danes
to Sarah Pointon Aged about 30 years upon her
Oath saith That she never was married Rented
any House Tenement or Lodging of £10 a year
that she lived as a hired yearly Servant with one
John Shredd< no role >
in Stacey Street in the Parish of
Saint Giles in the fields
in the County of Middx
for 18 Months and upwards at the yearly
Wages of Six Pounds hath quitted said Service
about 4 years ago since which time she has not
lived as a hired yearly Servant for one year
or done any Act Matter or thing whereby to the
best of her knowledge Information or belief she
may have gained any Subsequent Settlement
And further this Examinant on her oath
Saith that on the 12th. day of June 1785
was delivered of a Male Bastard Child in the
House of a Mr. Smallwood a Taylor in Yeales's
in the parish of Saint Clement Danes
which hath since been baptized by the Name
John Pointon< no role >
That one
Richard Oxley< no role >
Coal merchant
who lived in Compton Street
[..] been dead about 12 Months
the Father of the said Child he having had
Carnal knowledge of this Exts. Body and begotten
the same thereon And that the said late
Oxley< no role >
and no one else did beget the said
Child of which she was delivered as aforesaid and