Eliz: Lashbrooke< no role >
Upon Oath says she is the
Wife of
Henry Lashbrooke< no role >
to whom she was Married
at the fleet
London in March abt. 28 Yrs. ago says
her said husband has absconded from her and that she has
5 Children by him (Vizt.)
Elizth< no role >
: aged 11 Yrs.
Wm< no role >
. 9 Yrs.
Thos< no role >
5 Yrs.
Mary< no role >
3 Yrs. &
James< no role >
abt. 14 Months Old says
her said husband served 5 Yrs. the last part of his
with Mrs.
Mary Carter< no role >
a Rule
in Wych Street
in the Parish of St. Clement
in the Liberty of Westmr. & County of Middx.
And never Rented Ten Pounds a year paid parish
Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servt. for One Year
to this Examinants knowledge or belief
Sworn July 26th.
. before} Barth: Hammond< no role >
The Mark of
Eliz: Lashbrooke< no role >