to wit
Elizth. Walker< no role >
aged about forty Years on her
Oath Says she never was Married Rented House paid
Taxes served any Apprenticeship or ever lived a hired
Yearly Servant for One Year says her Father
Walker< no role >
before his Intermarriage with her late Mother
and whilst he was a singleman he lived a hired Yearly
to Lord Carpenter and afterwards to Lord Ward
who Gotheresided in the Parish of Saint George Hanover
but whr. he lived with Lord Carpenter or Lord
Ward last she Cannot possitively say but that he lived upwards
of One year
[..] with each at the Yearly Wages of
Ten pounds and upwards besides Diet Lodgings and
Cloaths hath quitted his said service upwards of forty
Years ago as her said Father and Mother has often
Informed her and which Information she verily believes
to be true and after quitting his last servitude he
never gained any other Subsequent Settlemt. neither
hath this Examinant since her said Father Death
Sworn this 3d Day
of Decr. 1779
Jno Barnfather< no role >
Elizth. Walker< no role >