to wit
Margt. Jones< no role >
aged about Sixty Eight Years on her
Oath says she is the Widow
Thomas Jones< no role >
with whom
she Intermarried at the
Parish Church
of Saint
Martin in the Fields
about Twenty Nine Years ago
and who has been dead about Nine Years say her
said Husband Rented and lived in a House Called
or known by
the Name or Sign of the Red Lyon
Nottingham Court
Castle Street
Long Acre
the Parish of Saint Giles in the Fields
in the County
of Middlesex
Upwards of Two Years at the Yearly
Rent of Twenty Pounds or Upwards and paid
Parish Taxes due for the same hath quitted the
said House upwards of Forty Years ago and
after quitting the same he never afterwards
Rented House paid Taxes or did any other Act
whereby to gain a Subsequent as her said
Husband has often Informed her and which
Information she Verily believes to be true
and this Examinant lastly says that she
hath gained no other Subsequent Settlement
since her said Husband Death
Sworn this 18th. day
of Septr.1779
Abrm Baley < no role >
R Butler
Margt. [mark] Jones< no role >