to wit
Benjn. Morley< no role >
Aged about Twenty Eight Years
on his Oath Says he Intermarried with
Mary< no role >
at the
Parish Church
of Saint Giles in the Fields
in the County of Middlex
in November last past and
by whom he hath no Child Says he lived as a hired
Yearly Servant
with one Mr. Ealing at an Academy
Kensington Gravel Pitts
in the Parish of Kensington
in the County of Middlesex
upwards of Sixteen Months
at the Yearly Wages of Ten pounds hath quitted his
said Service upwards of Eight Months ago since which time
he hath never gained any subsequent Settlement.
Sworn this 30th.
day of Septr. 1774
before} [..]
Benjamin Morley< no role >