AT the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our
Lord the King; holden in and for the County of Middlesex
, at
the Session-House for the said County, ()
on Monday the Second Day of July in
the Thirty secondYear of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord GEORGE the Third, King of Great Britain, Etc. Before
William Mainwaring< no role >
William Bleamire< no role >
Nathaniel Conant< no role >
Charles Sheppard< no role >
, and others their Fellows, Justices of our said Lord the
King, assigned to keep the Peace in the County aforesaid; and
also to hear and determine divers Felonies, Trespasses, and other
Misdemeanours committed in the same County.
Whereas William Lancaster< no role >
of Turnmill Street Clerkenwell
Hath at this
present Session Exhibited his Petition and Appeal setting forth That He was on or about the 26th.
day of May last Convicted in the Penalty of Five Pounds by Joseph Faikney< no role >
Esquire one of His Majestys
Justices of the Peace for the said County For that the Petitioner as stated in the said Conviction
then using and excercising the Trade and Business of a Pawnbroker did in Turnmill Street
in the
Parish of Saint James Clerkenwell
in the said County on the 19th. day of May 1792 take and raise of
and from one Ann Clarkson< no role >
on redeeming the Pawn or Pledge therein after mentioned the Sum of
One Penny or and for and by way of Profit upon Three Shillings the same being an intermediate
Sum exceeding the Sum of Two Shillings and six pence and not exceeding the Sum of Forty
Shillings thentofore to wit on the 18th. day of May last lent and advanced by him upon a
certain Pledge or Pawn that is to say a Shirt to one William Clarke< no role >
in the name of Preston
the said Sum of One Penny being more than at and after the Rate of Four pence for the Loan of
Twenty shillings by the Calender Month including the current Month in which the said Pawn or
Pledge were redeemed contrary to the Statute whereby the Petitioner conceived himself aggrieved
Now upon hearing the said Appeal and what hath been alledged by the respective Parties and
their Counsel in and concerning the Premises It is Ordered that the said Conviction
be and the same is hereby Quashed
By the Court