These are to Certify that at the General Quarter Session of the
Peace of our Lord the King holden in and for the County of Middlesex
the Session House for the said County on Monday the Second day of July in
the Thirty second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third
King of Great Britain Etc A Certificate of the Reverernd
Winter< no role >
, Pastor,
Rich Watts< no role >
Christr Southgate< no role >
and others whose Names
are thereunto written was delivered in Court whereby they Certify That a
Brick Building situated in New Court
Carey Street in the Parish of St
Clements Dane
is used as a Place of Publick Worship by a
Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, commonly call'd Independents
And it is hereby further Certified that the same Building described
by the above recited Certificate so delivered as aforesaid is Recorded
among the Records of the said Session Pursuant to the directions
contained in an Act of Parliament made and passed in the First
Year of the Reign of their late Majesties King William and Queen Mary
entitled An Act for exampting their Majesties Protestant Subjects
dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalties of certain Lawes
at the will and desire of the said
Richard Winter< no role >
Richard Watts< no role >
Christopher Southgate< no role >
and others Dated the 2d. day of July 1792
Hen Coll: Selby< no role >
Clerk of the Peace
for the
County of Middlesex