Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1785

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507960076

Image 76 of 89

An Act of Bread [..] at Clerkenwell Bridwell from
April 1st. 1785 to May 5th. both days inclusive
1st. 146 Lb at 1 Lb Each printer by W Watherston
2. 148
3. 154
4. 144
5. 150
6. 148
7. 154
8. 152
9. 152
10. 108
11. 108
12. 110
13. 116
14. 120
15. 122
16. 122
17. 136
18. 138
19. 142
20. 130
21. 124
22. 122
23. 124
24 126
25 126

n 3322
April 26. 130
27. 134
28. 132
29. 134
30. 140
May. 1. 134
2. 132
3. 140
5. 144
468 2 tb is equal to 270 Peck
at 2s/1d. & peck

Examined as to the Number of Prisoners
I Harwood, Governor}

9th. May 1785 Examined & allowed

9th. May 1785 Examined & allowed by us

J Leroux
Thos, Gordon< no role >
Joseph Faikney< no role >

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