His Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex
Prs. to Charles Eyles< no role >
£ s d
July 20th
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizemt. in the Daily Advertizer giving notice
the Surveyors wod. be Elected pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the
14th. Geo 3d. on Friday the 23d Instant3 times}
Paid for the like in the Gazetteer0..10..0
Paid for the like in the Public Advertizer0..10..0
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. in the Daily Advertiser giving
Notice of the Names of the several Persons that were appointed
Surveyors under the abovemd. Act of Parliament and also the different
districts to which they were appointed3 times}
Paid for the like in the Public Ledger1..4..0
Paid for the like in the Gazetteer1..16..0
Decemr 13th.
Paid for the Insertion of Advertizments in the Morning post being an
Order of Court for apprehending Vagarants3times}
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. in the Daily Advertizer respecting
the discharge of Insolvent Debtors3 times}
Novr. 12th.
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. in the Daily Advertizer recommendg
it to His Majesty Justices of the peace
to put the order of the Privy Council
for apprehending Stragling Seamer into Strict Executiontwice}
Paid for the like in the like in the Gazetteertwice 0..10..0
Paid for the like in the Morning Post0..5..0
Paid for the like in the Daily Advertiser0..5..0
Paid for the like in the Gazetteer0..5..0
Paid for the like in the Daily Advertizer0..5..0
Paid for the like in the Gazetteer0..5..0
Janry 1st
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. in the Daily Advertizer giving
Notice that a person wod. be Elected Surveyor of the Liberty of Saffron
Etc instead of
Charles Sumes< no role >
deced on Thursday the 11th. day of
January Instant3 times}
Paid for the like in the Morning Chronicle0:19..6
Febry 10th
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. recommendg. a due observance of the Inst 17..0
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. respect. the Discharge of Insolvent Debtor 0..19..6
Octobr. 28th
Paid for the Insertion of an Advertizmt. in the Daily Advertizer calling a
General Meeting of His Majestys Justices of the Peace
at the Session House
to take into Considn. a Letter from the Secretary of State respect. the number of Robberies}
Paid for the like in the Morning Chronicle0..5..6
Paid for the like in the Morning