Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1785

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507960022

Image 22 of 89

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish
of Saint George, Hanover-Square , within the Liberty of
Westminster , in the County of Middlesex ; and to the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish
of Kirklington N. E. of Woodstock in the
County of Oxford and to each and every of

To wit}

W K Courtenay

Whereas, Complaint has been made unto Us, Two
of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace , in and for the City
and Liberty of Westminster aforesaid, (One whereof being
of the Quorum) by the Churchwardens and Overseers of
the Poor of the said Parish of Saint George, Hanover-Square
That Thomas Subtree< no role > a Singleman aged
about 39 years hath
lately intruded, and come into the said Parish of Saint
George, Hanover-Square , and is
become Chargeable to the same. We, the said Justices,
upon Examination of the Premises upon Oath, and other
Circumstance, do adjudge the same to be true, and do
also adjudge the Place of the last legal Settlement of the

Jno Griffiths< no role >

These are therefore, in His Majesty's Name, to re-
quire you the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the
Poor, on Sight hereof, to remove and convey the said
Thomas Subtree< no role >
from and out of your said Parish of Saint George, Hanover
Square , to the said Parish of Kirklington
and him to deliver unto the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the Poor there, or to some or one of them,
together with this our Order (or a true Copy hereof) who
are hereby required to receive and provide for him
accordingtoLaw. Given under our Hands and Seals,
this 23d Day of February 1785.

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