To the Worshipful William Mainwaring< no role >
and the rest of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Middlesex
in their General Quarter Session assembled
The Humble Petition of John
Harwood< no role >
That in consequence of the Vacancy of the office of
of the House of Conviction at Clerkenwell
by the
Resignation of Mr James Crozier< no role >
the Present Governour Your
Petitioner most respectfully begs Permission to offer himself a
Candidate for that appointment Your Petitioner has had the
honour to serve Mr. Eyles Deputy Clerk of the Peace
for the
County of Middlesex
as his first Clerk near nine Years and he
Flatters himself that his conduct in that Station has been such
as to meet with his approbation To This Petition Your Petitioner
has annexed testimonials to his character which he is afraid are
for beyond his Deserts but they are of so honourable a nature
that he shall consider himself thro' life bound by every tie of
respect and Gratitude to endeavour to merit good opinion expressed
Your Petitioner is fully aware of a rigid attention to
Cleanliness Sobriety good Order and due Labour in a House of
: and from his situation in the Office of the Clerk of the
, Knowing how much it is the wish of His Majesty's Justices
of the Peace
to see their goals governed strictly according to Law
and their own excellent institutions solemnly Pledges himself
that he will pay the most unremitting regard to those essentials
Points of Duty in such on office