To the Rt. Worspll. her Matys Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Midds.
The humble Peticon of Gate Dusham< no role >
of the Hamlett of Bowe
in the
parish of St. Dunstan
Stepney in the sd.
That for some time part yor. Petrs. was allowed 3s.6d: P weeks as a Pencon from the sd.
parish in Regard to her great charge of children and also 1s. P
monthweeks towards
paymt. of her Rent and forasmuch as your Petr. haveing 4 Children to
mainteyne and being Informed that the sd. Pencon wilbe wholly taken
away from your Petr. Except the wife agree to place out Two of her
Children Which Children are to young to be placed out
P Tho. Nash< no role >
Yor. Petr. therefore most humbly
Prayes yor. Worspps to be pleased to
Order that the sd. Pencon shalbe
still continued to her
and Yor Petr. shall Ever pray Etc
Grace Durham< no role >
her Mk