To the Worshipful His Majesty's Justices of
the peace
for the County of Middx
in their Quarter Sessn. at Hicks
Hall Assembled
The Humble Petition of Joseph Churchill< no role >
of Saml. Churchill< no role >
Deced) Apprentice to John
Bassett< no role >
of East Smithfield
in the par of St.
Botolph without Aldgate
in Middx
That your petitioner by Indenture
Bearing Date the 19th. Day of September 1759 didwasby and with
the Privity of Mr. Robert Gamon< no role >
of Saint
Parish London putandhimself Apprentice to
John Brassett of Sr. Botolph Aldgate
to Learn
his Art And as an Apprentice to Serve him from the Day
of the Date of the said Indenture for the Term of Seven Years
In which Indre the said John Brassett< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
om Consideracon of
3 pounds paid to him by the Order of the Trustees of the
Charity School of St. Sepulchres
London [..] And also in
Consideration of £2:6s paid by Ann Churchill< no role >
your petition
Mother and also6 poundsa Note of Hand of the said Ann
Churchill< no role >
for 6 pounds to be paid at Half a Guinea a Month
to the said John Brasett He the said John Brassett [..]
Covenanted to teach and InstructtheYr. petitioner in the said Art and
Mystery of a Watchmaker And to find yr. petr. wch. Meat Drink
Washing and Lodging And all other Necessaries According
to the Custom of London during the sd. Term
That Yr. petitioner in pursuance of the sd. Indenture
Faithfully Serv'd the sd. John Brassett< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
as his Apprentice
until the 27th. Jany last past