during which Time Yr. petitioner sd. Master
did not Instruct yr. petitioner in the sd. Art
abovebut was Employ'd in Waiting on portueguese
Lodgers in yr. petitioner Masters HouseAnd at Several
times very ill used and Beat by the sd. Lodgers
And has several times been Beat by petrs. sd.
That on account of a prosecutor lately
Comenced against Emanuel Rosa< no role >
One of Your Petr.
sd. Masters Lodgers for the detestable Crime called
Sodomy there is conceived an implacable Hatred agst.
Your Petr. not only by his said Master but by the said
Rosa & others of the house that he your petr is in
[..] Pauper of his Life or of same yt. bodily harm
Yr. Petr. therefore prays yr. Worships That you
will be pleased to take ye. promises into yr. Consideracon
And appoint a Day for the hearing both parties
And that Yr. Petitioner may be Discharged from
his said Apprenticeship
and that his said Mr. may
deliver up the sd Note to be cancelled And that Yor. Petr. shall
And Yr. petr. shall pray Etc