The Information of
Thomas Green< no role >
William Larner< no role >
taken before me one of his Majestys Justices of the
for the said County.
Who being severally on Oath say & first this Jus. Thomas
Green< no role >
for himself saith That on Saturday Night last this Jus.
being late at Night at Drury Lane
Play house went to [..]
lodge at the George Ale house in holborn And this Jus
being a Stranger to the Land lord of the house he this
Inse to secure his Watch put it under the Bed he lay
on And this Jus Mr. Larner for himself saith the
he lay in the same Room with the other Jus in an other
Bed And this Jus further saith that between Three &
Four O' Clock in the Morning a Person now present
who calls himself Thomas Powall< no role >
came into the
Room with Another Man who this Jus Cels. came to
lye there but the Man seeing the other Jus & his friend in
one lead & this Jus. in the other said he wod uorlye
thire & went down stairs assaint and the sd Thomas Powell< no role >
then went to the Side of the Bed where the other Juslay
and stooped down & picked up as he bess. a watch
for this Jus there on heard the rathing of a Chain and
forthwith went down stairs And this Jus Thomas Green< no role >
for linsdelf saith that when he waked in the Morning
his Watch was pore And Saith from the Account
as the other Jus he verily bets. that the sd [..]
Powell stole the sd Watch & in other person
Sworn the 28 of March
1760 before me
Saunders Welch< no role >
Thos. green< no role >
The Mark of
Willm. [mark] Larner< no role >