The Information of
Charles Syms< no role >
Richd. Allbut< no role >
taken before me one of his Majestys Justces of the
for the said County
Who being sevry. on Oath say & first then Jus Charles Syms< no role >
him self saith That between Eleaven & Twelve o' Clock last Night
as the Jus was a Coming home he met a Person now present
who calls herself Isabella Tompson< no role >
who picked up this Jus
and asked him to so home with her and there on the Jus went with
her to one Mr Newberry's and there and a Puit of wine made
into a Negur, and this Juf intending to pay for the sd. Nepur he
[..] putt his hand into a Private Packet he had in his Coal and
pulled out as he thought one shills & Six Pence lent this Jus
saw when [..] laid the sd. Mony down that the peice which he so
took suppored to be a shill.g was a guinea whereupon the Jus.
put the sd. Guinea into the said pocket & drew out a [..] & pd
for the sd Negus and went out & parted with the sd Isabella and
about fifty yards from the sd. house a Man serjed this Jus &
Pulmiond his Arms & Imediately the sd. Isabella came cross the
was and whill this Juf arms was so pists cou'd by the pd. Man the
sd. Isabella put her hand into the sd. Prioat Pocket of this Iuss
took thereout 2 guineas & a Six & Thirty & ranaway & the Infor
Pursued her and called Watch and the Jus Richd. Allbut for himself
saith that about Twelve he heard a Cry of stop Thief & this Jus
seeing the sd Issabella can and the other Infrminng after her
the Jus stop the said Isabella & brought her to the watch house
Sworn the 8. day of
March 1760 before me}
Charles Sims< no role >
The mark
Richd Allbut< no role >