Middx to wit
The free and voluntary Examination
and Confession of
Elizabeth< no role >
James Maccall< no role >
of the Parish of
Saint Andrew Holborn without the
in the County of Middlesex
Cabinets maker, Taken before me one
of his Majesty's Justices of the
for the said County this 12th,
Day of March 1760
This Examinant voluntarily confesseth & sayth
that on Wednesday the Fifth Instant in the
Afternoon she did inter the Dwelling House and
Premises of Sarah Oldbridge< no role >
in green Dragon yard
in the Parish of Saint Mary Whitechapel
in the
County of Middx
aforesaid, and that she did
feloniously steal and take thereout a Quantity of
Womens warring Apparel the goods & property of
the said Sarah and others
Subscribed by the abovementioned
Examinant the Day
and year aforesaid Before me
Walter Berry< no role >
Eliz M [..]
Richd Coachman< no role >
of the abovesaid
Parish of St. Mary White Chapel