Women belonging to the said Workhouse
to lead her
into the next Parish & then come back again, for
which he gave them three halfpence to buy them a Pint
of Beer, that they accordingly led her between them
to the Hampshire
Hog in the Hamlet of Hammersmith
where they left her, & she very slowly & with great
difficulty walked on, & a required for a Parish Officer,
that she was directed to one upon blew green, but
he out being at home, she went to another at Shepherd
Bush, but he refund her any Relief, she then said
herself down under an Hedge & fell asleep, but
soon waked again in great Pain & almost starved
with cold, she then wander'd about not knowing
where she was till about three o' Clock of the next lay being Thurs day
in the Morning when she got to the Sign of the King Arms
in the great Uxbridge Road
in the Parish of Acton
where she Knocked & begd for Relief & Assistance
upon which the Master of the House got up & sent
a Person with her to one of the Churchwardens of
the said Parish of Action who provided a Lodging
for her, where she was deliver'd soon after five o'
Clock of the said Morning of a male Bastard Child,
& she further saith that the said John Williams< no role >
is the Fether of the said Child & that she & the
said Child have been & now are chargeable to
the said Parish of Acton
Taken & signed the day & year
abovewritten before me the abovesaid}
Saml: Wegg< no role >
The Mark of
Elizabeth [mark] Cooke< no role > This name instance is in set 453. This set is in the group(s): MothersPS .